Ajattelin aloittaa maanantain toimistolla omistamalla muutaman hetken kirjoittaakseni otsikolla "maailman enstex homoin maa ja kansallismuseon tissigalleria" mutta kunnia vaatii vastaamaan haasteeseen.

To confuse things more, I will answer to questions in English.

1. Kirja, joka muutti elämän

Some introductionary book to philosophy by someone. There was actually just a few paragraphs there that led me to some kind of satori. It was about Martin Heidegger and an extremely crude summary of it would be: 'people spend most of their time and energy worrying about the future, but the only thing that is certain in the future is death. So stop worrying and get on with your life before you die.'

2. Kirja, jonka olen lukenut useammin kuin kerran

The sad nerd in me is revealed. I think this has to be 'the Lord of the Rings'. Or Alun Richardson's 'rock climbing for instructors'.

3. Kirja mukaan autiolle saarelle

Martin Heidegger: Sein und Zeit.

4. Kirja joka teki minusta hupakon

Populaarimusiikkia Vittulanjänkältä. I love laughing aloud when reading a book in a crowded bus. It is a truly relieving experience, a short moment of time when maintaining appereances is momentarily forgotten.

5. Kirja, joka sai minut kyyneliin

Da Vinci Code. I felt cheated after reading it. It made me sad, thinking about the shortness of life and the hours I wasted reading the book.

6. Kirja, jonka toivon tulevan kirjoitetuksi

A new version of Erwin Kreyszig's 'Advanced Engineering Mathematics' that would actually have pedagocical value.

7. Kirja, jonka toivoisin jääneen kirjoittamatta

Erwin Kreyszig's 'Advanced Engineering Mathematics'.

8. Kirja, jota luen parhaillaan

Adam Smith: Wealth of Nations, Hermann Hesse: Siddharta, Life of Biddha by some random historian. For some reason I always seem to start new books before I finish the old ones.

9. Kirja, jonka olen aikonut lukea

Only one? I cannot do that. Here's a list of books I've planned to read and probably until the end of my days this will remain as a plan:
Waltari's 'Sinuhe', Joyce's 'Ulysses', Quran (or whatever the current proper spelling is), Ilias & Odysseia, Volter Kilpi's 'Alastalon salissa'

10. Haasta 5 bloggaajaa

No I won't. But, dear reader, if you have a blog and haven't answered yet to this little quiz, please feel free to do it now.

I'm afraid my answers reveal that in truth I am truly a boring person.

Edit: How could I forget 'Das Kapital' from the answer of question 9?